Mental Models

Three flaws

We should avoid the following flaws in order to update our view on reality. In addition we also tend to undervalue the elementary ideas and overvalue the complicated ones. Simple ideas are of great value because they can help us prevent complex problems.


It’s diffcult to get a perspective of the situation we are in. We have a hard time seeing any system that we are in. An outside world view is required, as well as understanding the perspective of others. This feedback is required so we can update our perspective of the problem at hand.


We have invested too much in our opinion of ourselves, so we try to ignore the world’s feedback. First we are afraid about what others will say about us. Second, if we do put our ideas out there and they are criticized, our ego steps in to protect us. We defend ourselves instead of upgrading our ideas.


The more we distance ourselves from the consequences of our decisions the more we get a flawed reality. Our decisions tend not only to affect ourselves but also those around us. On the positive side, staying close to the consequences of our decisions allow us to quickly celebrate good outcomes and increase our optimism.