Udemy Course on using Celery in Python

I’ve signed up at Udemy to create a course on how to use Python with FastAPI and Celery. Celery is great for running async tasks in the background. I’ve used it in my projects to run offline tasks like sending emails, processing images, reports and more.

FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints. It’s fast, easy to use and has great documentation.

Who is this course for?

Beginner Python programmers who want to learn how to execute and monitor long running distributed background tasks using Celery. So you have a webapp which hits an API and times out because the task is too long? This course is for you!

You will learn how to run tasks in the background and monitor their progress. You can also distribute tasks across multiple workers.

These are the learning objectives:

  • Understand what Celery is and how it works
  • Set up a Celery project
  • Run tasks in the background
  • Monitor task progress
  • Distribute tasks across multiple workers
  • Use Celery with FastAPI

I’ve come up with a basic course outline. It’s not going to be easy, and consistency is key. I’ll be working on this course for the next few months. I’ll keep you updated on my progress.